Table of contents:

  1. Step 1: Head to the Home Screen
  2. Step 2: Navigate to "My Games & Apps"
  3. Step 3: Find the Game
  4. Step 4: Press the Options Button
  5. Step 5: Choose "Manage Game and Add-ons"
  6. Step 6: Uninstall Time!
  7. One Last Thing!


Got a game taking up too much space or one you're just done with? Uninstalling a game on Xbox is super easy. Here’s how to do it in just a few steps:

Step 1: Head to the Home Screen

     From your Xbox’s "Dashboard" (the home screen), get ready to clear some space!


Step 2: Navigate to "My Games & Apps"

     Scroll over to the "My Games & Apps" section. This is your go-to place for all things installed on your Xbox.


Step 3: Find the Game

vUnder the "Games" tab, scroll through your list and find the game you want to uninstall. Highlight it, and you’re halfway there!


Step 4: Press the Options Button

     Once you’ve highlighted the game, hit the Menu button (those three horizontal lines) on your controller to open up some options.


Step 5: Choose "Manage Game and Add-ons"

     Select "Manage" or "Manage game and add-ons" to view everything tied to the game.


Step 6: Uninstall Time!

     Now, select "Uninstall" and confirm.


One Last Thing!

     Uninstalling a game removes it from your Xbox, but you can reinstall it later without losing your game saves, thanks to cloud storage. Just be sure you really don’t need the game taking up space for now!

     And that’s it!