Factions and reputation Factions and reputation

Factions and reputation

     The game has a dynamic faction and reputation system. Different factions have their own goals, ideology, and different attitudes towards other factions and your character. Interaction with them determines how other characters will perceive him.

     Whose side you take, and whom you choose as allies or enemies, will affect the overall balance of power in the game world.

     Representatives of allied factions will help you in battle, and share resources or important information. However, supporting one faction can automatically make you an enemy of another. It is impossible to remain good for everyone.

     Relationships with a faction can improve and deteriorate. To improve them, complete tasks for faction members, heal them and help them in battle. For some factions, you can improve your negative reputation for money or simply over time but don't expect a coin to open all doors.

     A surefire way to worsen your reputation with a faction is to kill its members.

     You cannot influence the relationship with some factions, they will always be hostile.

     In addition to the reputation with a faction, there is also a reputation with an individual character, that is, even in a generally friendly faction you can make an enemy, or vice versa.

     Choose your allies and enemies carefully, as these decisions will affect access to certain areas, traders, unique missions, or even the ability to safely move around the Zone.