Hubs are islands of relative calm and safety where you can rest and prepare for your next expedition into the Zone.

     Here's what you can do in the hubs:

    • Trade - replenish your stock of ammunition and medicine and sell anything you don't need
    • Get treatment - visit a doctor, heal wounds and remove radiation contamination
    • Repair and upgrade weapons and armor - visit the local technician
    • Sleep - Sleep will restore your health, stamina, and remove some of the negative effects.
    • Find a job - learn about tasks that will help you earn money, get rare equipment, or find valuable artifacts. You can take recurring tasks from merchants or bartenders; these tasks will always come in handy if you're broke.
    • Communicate with other stalkers - find out useful information and the latest news of the Zone, sit by the fire, listen to the radio
    • Use the player's stash
    • Use the services of a guide
    • Hide from Emissions - there are always suitable shelters in the hubs.


     Despite the fact that the hubs seem relatively safe, always be alert - the danger in the Zone never disappears completely. We do not recommend attacking anyone in the hubs, as in such cases, all of their inhabitants will become hostile.